This will vary depending on your shipping address, delivery to
a business or residence. Please call Champion Hoods and Products for an
exact quote.
How are hoods shipped?
All hoods are shipped by truck freight. All shipping fees are
due upon delivery of hood.
Why a difference from business to
residence deliver?
There is a difference because most of the deliveries to a business
are done with a big semi-truck. If it is a residential delivery
a smaller truck is needed. Residential fees can range from $25.00
to $62.00 in addition to normal shipping charges.
How long for delivery?
This depends on your delivery address and availability of stock.
Most hoods will be delivered within 7-10 business days. International
shipments may be longer.
What do I do if my hood is received
Contact Champion Hoods and Products while delivery driver is still there. If hood
is repairable, note all damages on delivery receipt before signing. Ask truck
driver for claims phone number and contact claims to proceed.
If hood is not repairable, refuse shipment.
What is difference between bolt-on
and pin-on (lift-off)
A bolt-on uses your hinges, latches and prop rod. HOOD PIN RECOMMENDED!!
A pin-on (lift-off) will need to be mounted using some type of hood pin.
* Due to racing or hard driving in a Mustang all bolt-on hoods should
have hood pins installed in front of hood. This is just as a safety precaution.
What type of prep-work is needed?
Light scuffing or sanding on top and underside. A wax or grease
remover to clean prior to painting. Do not over sand on
white gel coat.
How do your hoods compare with other
hood manufacturers?
Champion Hoods and Products makes high quality hoods. May need
slightly more prep-work than the top of the line companies, but
a higher quality than the lower side of the market.
Can I drive around with hood on
car prior to painting?
Yes. Champion Hoods and Products hoods are made with a high quality
gel coat finish. This is very similar to the finish on most boats.
Having hood on car prior to painting will also help with curing
of the hood.